The Rotary Club of Essex would like to thank everyone who participated in our most successful event to date, including all of our sponsors, teams and volunteers.  With your help we raised over $20,000!  These funds will be used to support local, national and international communities in efforts from improving literacy in Essex to eradicating Polio in Asia. 

For those who were able to join us on the day of the event, we enjoyed sharing a fun and beautiful day with you on the links.  For those who were not able to join us, we have included the results of the day along with a few pictures.  If you or anyone you know would like to learn more about joining Rotary, we welcome you to join us on any Wednesday for lunch at noon at The Essex Resort and Spa.

Again, we thank you for all of your support and look forward to partnering with you on future events.

See you next year!

Phil Murdock, President and Dave Johnson, Committee Chair


Essex Rotary Golf Tournament Results


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Low Gross  (52)

Team Jackman
Heath Jackman, Michel Lacharite, Scott McClure, Dale Miller

2nd Low Gross  (52)

Team Cota
Eric Ayres, Christopher Colman, Lance Tourville, Justin Wolcott


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Low Net   (42)

Vermont Systems
Richard Hart, Joshua Karson, Jeff Smith, Frank Stanley

2nd Low Net   (43)

S & D Landscapes
Otto Engleberth, Phil Phillips, Kirk Smith, Bill Spencer


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Rotary Club Low Gross   (54)

Don Conlon, Rick Flood, Eric Hanley, Bob Maynes

Rotary Club Low Net   (46)

Adam Bartsch, Bill Deming, Chuck LaClair, Terrell Titus


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Long Drive, Men ---  John Dion

Long Drive, Women --- Heather Lemon

 Putting Contest --- Gary Poulet


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Closet to the Pin --- 14’ - Eric Hanley

Longest Putt --- 12’7” - Charles Brady