Aug 21, 2024 12:10 PM
LUNCH: Liam Redmond, DESI - Student Entrepreneur
Insight into Creation of DESI, College Student Transportation Ride Share System

Liam Redmond is a student at the University of Notre Dame after graduating from Essex High School a short 3 years ago.  He is the founder of venture capital funded DESI, an online business that connects college students seeking to travel across the nation with other students going in the same direction.  And also connects students with cars to fellow students seeking to move about campus and town.  This option helps college students avoid using UBER and LYFT.

Liam has delayed his return to Notre Dame by several days so he can join us to tell the DESI story.    And, just to prove DESI is REALLY a start-up:  between the time Liam agreed to join us and today, the company name has changed to YELO.  Finding out why - and what's next will definitely be part of his talk!!

And, to keep all of us connected to the work of our Youth Committee, Amy Jackman has arranged for the two RYLA students we have supported to join us and give insight into what they gained from the experience of learning about Leadership through Rotary.   



Desi on Facebook  

YELO Website